Tuesday, May 25, 2010


I got to visit mom at her cabin on Sunday afternoon. We decided to take a Sunday drive to check out the countryside and it was a turtle convention!

Only a mile from the cabin and here was turtle #1. He was a big boy - about a foot long. He was in the middle of the road, taking a leisurely stroll. I stopped the car, stood behind him and told him to get moving, so he would not be squashed. He stepped up the pace and made it across the road safely.

One mile later, and another turtle was in the road. I had a truck close behind me, so I could not stop. I drove around him, but the truck had to go over the top of him. I wonder how Mr. Turtle felt when he had a giant vehicle drive over him? He was between the wheels, so did not get hurt. I still wonder how a turtle feels when someone drives over him?

When I left the next morning to come back to Traverse City, the second turtle was not in the road, so I have to hope he crossed the road safely.

Turtles are such neat creatures! God does good work!

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