Sunday, November 28, 2010

No Internet

In case you tried to contact us via email in the past four days and did not receive a reply from us, our internet was shut down. We discovered it on Friday morning.

Since we are moving, we have to disconnect one internet service and open another (since the first one is not available at our new location). We have new service at the new facility, but had not moved the computers yet. We decided not to disconnect the first service until we had all equipment moved. However, someone in sales decided that Friday was a great day to end our internet. When I called to find out what happened, the sales department was closed for the holiday.

All this comes down to...we have no internet connections and may not have them for a few more days, until we can make the switch. You will hear from us as soon as we can respond.

Sorry for the inconvenience! We hope to be full speed ahead very soon!

P.S. I am at a remote computer so I can write this, but have no access to our email accounts.

Monday, November 1, 2010

What's New at Creekside Grains

Last month, we started construction on a new commercial kitchen/warehouse. Hopefully...we will be moved in by the end of November. We are waiting for electric hook up, which will now be delayed by at least two weeks, thanks to the powerful wind storm keeping Cherryland Electric busy last week.

We have been in a temporary facility for the past six months, but that will soon change. Our current commercial kitchen is in one building and the warehouse is in another, about ten minutes apart from each other, and about fifteen minutes from home.

We are so excited! The new building is in our back yard, so we will get to walk to work, every day! No more driving to the warehouse, then to the kitchen, then back to the warehouse, then back to the kitchen again, then back to the warehouse, then home at night. Time saved from driving will help Michael invent new recipes, so I can taste test them.

We live on a beautiful piece of property, with Beinter Creek running through it, so it will be a nice change of pace to actually enjoy the creek during daylight hours, instead of only hearing it when we get home at night.

Michael has been taking progress pictures. I will post them soon!