Thursday, March 31, 2011

Raccoons and Robins

We have had visitors every night to our bird feeders and it is not a bird! It is two big fat raccoons.

For some reason known only to them, they think that the suet and sunflower seeds are for their dinner, so they have eaten all of it every time they get a chance. They have to climb out onto the edge of the deck to reach the bird feeder, but it does not seem to stop them.

I finally fooled them and took the bird feeders and the suet inside every night. Of course, the nights that I forgot, they had a nice midnight snack.

A few days ago, Michael stopped at McGough's to pick up more suet. The salesperson asked Michael if it was for the birds. Michael replied with, "it is a box lunch for the raccoons."

Tonight as I was walking back to the office, I heard a very noisy bird. I looked way up into our maple tree and saw a robin, the first one I have seen at Creekside this year! Maybe spring is around the corner, but you would not know it from looking at the foot of snow still on the ground.

The crocus flowers just poked out from under the snow and I saw about an inch of a hyacinth in the flower bed this morning, so there is hope!

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