Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Lola Update

Michael gave me more details about missing Lola.

He just came back from our neighbors house to let them know that he found Lola. Little did we know that Lola's mom (our neighbor Heidi) had been crying for four days because Lola disappeared. Lola was Heidi's favorite chicken. Heidi and Dave had spent the lasts four days searching for Lola in the fields and the creek and everywhere else in between.

We still cannot figure out how Lola got to our mailbox. The assumed way of travel was in a very big field with very high weeds and wildflowers. The only clear way to travel would have been the railroad tracks next to our home and even those are not easy to navigate!

It was such a blessing that Michael came home at that time. Within a few moments, Lola would have been in the road and gone forever. No wonder Lola jumped into Michael's arms to be taken home!

We are all so glad for a happy ending and one happy chicken!

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