Wednesday, August 4, 2010

What's Happening at Creekside

I am so far behind in Creekside updates! I guess that the ten Farm Markets each week are catching up with me. There is so much to say, and so little time to say it.

I have really enjoyed meeting new clients and seeing previous clients come to the Farm Markets for more Creekside products. It has been a wonderful summer at the Farm Markets!

Just a few notes from the past few days...

On the way to the Glen Arbor Farmers Market yesterday morning, I saw a very big buck and two tiny fawns hanging out by the side of the road. They were so pretty!

Today, I pulled into the driveway for the Grow Benzie Farmers Market. I looked into the neighboring field and saw hundreds of spider webs dripping with dew, sparkling in the sun. Each web was nearly perfect in shape. I wish I had my camera. There were so many and they were so beautiful!

I just got a phone call from Michael. He said that when he pulled into the driveway at our Creekside home, our neighbor's chicken Lola met him by the mailbox. Lola was inches away from being hit by a car! When Lola saw Michael, she jumped (or flew, I am not sure which) into Michael's arms and said "take me home!" He walked her back to the safety of her coop. We are still not sure how she got to our mailbox. It is quite a hike for one small chicken to travel that far!

Time to get ready for the next six markets in three days!

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