Sunday, November 20, 2011

Kevin the hero

It was a dark and stormy night.

We were at Meijer, buying our groceries for the week. We unloaded our cart and put the cart in the cart corral. We drove home, unloaded most of the groceries and received a phone call from my mother to call a man who was at Meijer.

My mother lives in Jackson, but a very nice, honest man named Kevin, called her and told her that he found my purse in the cart. Kevin had to do some sleuthing to find mom's phone number, but he found it and called mom and she called us and we called Kevin and we went back to Meijer and gave Kevin a box of Root Beer Cookie mix and a surprised Kevin gave me my purse, not knowing why I handed him a box of Root Beer Cookie mix.

We are so grateful to Kevin for finding my purse and taking the effort to find me and for meeting me at the entrance, just to give it back to me. God Bless Kevin!

Kevin, enjoy your Root Beer Cookies!

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