Monday, September 24, 2012

Hot Flash Queen Gets Cold

I needed to drive downstate to pick up an order of buttermilk powder this morning, so I stayed at our family cabin in Harrison last night to make the travel time shorter this morning.

The cabin has a great porch where I always sleep, unless it is really cold outside.

When I arrived at the cabin, it was not terribly cold outside, so I chose the porch sleeping quarters. I grabbed a few (five) blankets, just in case it cooled off during the night. cooled off, a lot!

It got cold - very cold!

I woke up shivering during the night, so I put a spare pillow over my legs to keep them warm. I woke up later and went into the living room to get my down coat to put over the pillow and blankets, since I had every spare blanket already. The down coat worked and I was able to go back to sleep, but I never really warmed up.

I am the Hot Flash Queen and I love cold, but last night was too cold even for me. Michael said that it was 34 degrees in Traverse City this morning, so I am guessing that it was just a little bit warmer in Harrison.

Next time, I will build a fire in the wood stove and sleep in the toasty warm house!

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