Tuesday, November 17, 2009

They All Came Tumbling Down

If you have followed my saga of wood splitting, here's more to add to the saga.

Last week, I came home and took a double take! So far, I have four rows of wood stacked under our car port for the winter. When I looked at the pile, I saw that one row had fallen down! Not only did it fall down, it fell down about eight feet from the pile! It looked like someone had catapulted the wood away from the pile.

The wood looked like dominoes. The wood pieces were leaning very neatly at an angle on the ground. Problem was, they were supposed to be stacked neatly on the pile.

I am not sure why that row fell down. There was half a row in front of it, so the bottom half did not fall, but the top fell far enough for me to wonder how it got that far.

It took some time to fix the row and shore it up again, but piece by piece, I got it all back in line. Now I can go back to filling the rest of the carport for the winter. I only have about eight more rows to go!

I am very grateful for the nice weather we have had lately. It saves so much wood. It will not be long and the wood stove will be running full time to keep us toasty warm in the winter.

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